Stay injury-free
with Herzog

Stay injury-free with
Herzog Compression Socks

The compression specialist

Medically certified

Proud partner of Atletiekunie

Testimonial Item

Dé compressie specialist

Testimonial Item

Medisch gecertificeerd

Testimonial Item

Proud partner of Atletiekunie

With the compression socks of Herzog, you stay ahead of injuries and recover faster. Prevent stiff calves, shin injuries, Achilles tendon problems and various other sports injuries. Herzog socks have a unique medical certificate and and a special sizing system where the leg is measured at 6 points. So as an athlete, you are always guaranteed of a perfect fit. Get the most out of your sports performance with Herzog Sport Compression Socks!

Fewer calf complaints

Less muscle pain

Faster recovery


  • PRO Compressionsocks

  • PRO Compression Ankle Socks

  • Recovery Gun

  • PRO Compression Socks – Bundle

  • Compry Recovery PRO+

  • PRO Compressionsocks

  • PRO Compression Ankle Socks

  • Recovery Gun

  • PRO Compression Socks – Bundle


Herzog's unique sizing system

At Herzog, they know that every athlete has different calf contours. This is why Herzog works with a sizing system in which the leg is measured at 6 points. You can never guarantee an ideal compression gradient based only on a shoe size or calf circumference. With Herzog, you’re choosing a perfect fit.

The Support sock, new in our assortment!

Support your daily lifestyle. This sock is for anyone who could use some extra support. Ideal for somewhat lighter efforts such as jogging or walking. Moreover, the Support sock can be used to prevent tired legs during long work- and travel days or while skiing.

Start every day with fresh legs!

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What professionals are saying

Top athletes, sports federations, physiotherapists and sports doctors choose Herzog!

Jorien ter Mors

Narelle Neumann

“Compry Recovery is an important part of our teams’ recovery strategy during intense and busy stage races, where this massage therapy is quickly and easily available to riders during bus transfers or in the hotels.”

Professor Backx

Prof. dr. F.J.G. Backx. sport physician

”The Herzog sports compression socks effectively contribute to the prevention of lower leg complaints, I get as feedback from many top athletes.”

Jorien ter Mors

Lucinda Brand

I use the socks especially when traveling, because it is very nice to have some compression. Especially on the plane or on a long car ride, you sometimes get thick feet and you don’t have that with the Herzog socks on.

Herzog Medical is a proud partner of

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Prevent. Perform. Recover.